ment of their normal feminine selves) is not socially condemned.
To a large degree we all make our own troubles. Thus when we feel ashamed we project a certain awareness of thi into others. Their subeenscious perception of this leads them to act towards us in a condescending or condemna- tory manner which we pick up and react to with more shame and guilt. Stop the chain at the beginning by realizing that neither a masculine nor a feminine life is the whole story of existance and neither is a bed of roses. But the desire to express some of those attitudes of feeling and behavior which are usually attributed to the opposite sex is really nothing to be ashamed of. I think that such tendencies exist to some degree in all of us--of both sex- es, but lets look at it positively, some of us have the guts to admit that we have these drives and wish to give them expression, the rest have them but try to deny and bury them. They always fortify their own self assurance by making fun of those who do so express. But we are not only more fortunate than they but more courageous, so why be ashamed, guilty, fearful etc. and provide them with an opportunity to raise their own self confidance by step- ping on us.
Despite wishful thinking and numerous stories to the contrary, woman's life is not all luxury and beauty by any means. But the aspiration to pick up and express some of the aspects of the other sex is in a sense as nat- ural as to desire intercourse with the other sex as a means of blending with it and sharing some of what it rep- resents. This is not something to be ashamed of....if anything a true TV has a considerable headstart over his fellow males in achieving a certain wholeness of person- ality. The world needs not only males and females anat- onically, but male-females and female-males socially and psychologically to promote understanding, cooperation, love and developement among all people. So let your fen- inine personality develope honestly and straightforwardly ...let "her" take over the feminine from him and both of you "live happily ever after". Sincerely,